Dog Hair Dye - Super Black (PD12)

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For dogs and horses
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Want a true black color? OPAWZ Super Black rocks it! 

Safe for pets with Ammonia-free formula. 

PROFESSIONAL USE ONLY. Long-lasting permanent color specially formulated for dogs and horses. Provides bright, fashionable, and unique color results.

This product contains two separate components: No. 1 Dye and No. 2 Developer.

Super Black will last for 2-6 months on average, and can cover all non-black hair colors such as apricot, brown, and ash with a deep black color result.


Shampoo well and blow dry if the hair is dirty and/or greasy. Do not use conditioner prior to coloring.

Wear gloves.

Mix No. 1 and No. 2 at a ratio of 1:1. Make sure they are thoroughly mixed.

Apply the mixture onto the coat in a thin layer and leave on for 20-30 minutes. For the best color saturation, apply with a brush and rub into hair with gloved fingers.

Rinse well until the water runs clear, then use conditioner and rinse off. Dry well.


The paste is milky white after mixing, and will gradually turn black with oxidation. You can apply the paste immediately after mixing No.1 & No. 2. If you wait too long and the paste has turned black, the final coloring result will not be as deep and dark as the sample photos.


Be sure to stir it well with a brush before use.

For coloring limited areas, such as ears or tails, you may apply to dry fur.

Results may vary depending on application strength and individual pet’s coat.

Coloring results may vary with coat type and breed.

Results may vary depending on application strength and individual pet’s coat.

Coloring results may vary with coat type and breed.Safe for pets over 6 months old.

Applying color dye and lightning at the same time is not recommended, suggested interval between is a week.


• Not recommended for use on pets under 6 months

• Not recommended for use on cats, guinea pigs, rabbits, and other small animals

• Do not use on pets with sensitive, irritated, or damaged skin

• Make sure the pet has an agreeable temperament and is tolerant to grooming and bathing to avoid any potential risks

• Do not allow pet to lick

• Do not let the product touch the skin during application

• Apply Isolation Cream onto the skin first if necessary, especially around the ears and tail areas

• Avoid contact with eyes and mouth. If it happens, rinse with a large amount of water for 15 minutes.

• If any allergic reactions happen during dyeing, discontinue process immediately and consult a veterinarian. Do an allergy test on the skin 48 hours prior to application.

Do I need to wait to use after mixing cream of Super Black turn to black?

No. Once you mix No. 1 and No. 2 well, you can apply to the hair directly. The mixture is best applied immediately, as it will lose effectiveness in around 1 hour.

Why did the Super Black did not produce a deep black?

1. Mixture was not used immediately - after mixing No. 1 and No. 2, it should be used immediately as it will only be effective for around 1 hour.

2. Dirt and oils will affect how the color sets on the hair. We recommend using the dye on clean and dry hair for best results

3. Products that contain conditioner ingredients were used on the hair prior to applying the dyes4. Mixture needs to set on the hair for at least 20 minutes.

Can I use the Super Black on a short hair/wire-hair dog?

Yes. The Super Black provides a very good true black color result on any kind of coat. Use it as you would with any other permanent dye.

How long does Super Black last on my pet’s hair?
Normally lasts between 2-6 months. Lasting time will vary with coat type and breeds, frequency of pet’s outdoor activities, and how often the pet is bathed.


Utilisation par des professionnels seulement! Couleur permanente longue durée pour chiens et cheval qui fait ressortir des couleurs vives, à la mode et uniques.


• Laver en profondeur et sécher le pelage s’il est sale et/ou gras. Ne pas utiliser de revitalisant avant la coloration.

• Porter des gants.

• Mélanger le No. 1 avec le No. 2 dans un rapport de 1:1. Assurez-vous qu'ils soient bien mélangés.

• Avec un pinceau, appliquer le mélange sur le pelage en fine couches et laissez agir pendant  20 - 30 minutes. Pour une saturation optimale du mélange colorant, malaxer les poils avec les doigts gantés.

• Rincer abondamment jusqu'à ce que l'eau coule claire puis, appliquer un revitalisant et rincez. Bien sécher


• Pas recommandé pour les animaux de compagnie de moins de 6 mois

• Pas recommandé pour les chats, cobayes, lapins et autres petits animaux

• Ne pas utiliser pour les animaux qui ont la peau sensible, irritée ou endommagée

• Pour éviter tout risque, il faut être sûr que l'animal a un bon tempérament, tolère le toilettage et le bain

• Éviter que l'animal  lèche sa pelure

• Éviter tout contact avec la peau

• Si nécessaire, appliquer Isolation Cream (Crème Isolante) sur la peau, en particulier autour des oreilles et de la queue

• Éviter tout contact avec les yeux et le museau. Si cela se produit, rincer abondamment avec de l'eau pendant 15 minutes.

• Si des réactions allergiques se produisent pendant la teinture, arrêter le processus immédiatement et consulter un vétérinaire, Effectuer un test d'allergie sur la peau 48 heures avant l'application de la coloration.



Un color permanente de larga duración especialmente formulado para perros y caballos. Proporciona resultados de color brillantes modernos y únicos.


• Lavar bien y secar con secador si el pelo está sucio y/o grasoso. No use acondicionador antes de la coloración.

• Usar guantes.

• Mezcle No. 1 y No. 2 en una proporción de 1:1. Asegúrarse de que estén bien mezclados.

• Aplicar la mezcla sobre el pelaje en una capa fina y dejar actuar durante 20-30 minutos. Para obtener la mejor saturación de color, aplique con una brocha y frótela en el pelo con siempre usando guantes.

• Enjuagar bien hasta que el agua salga clara, luego usar acondicionador y enjuagar. Secar bien.


• No se recomienda el uso en mascotas menores de 6 meses.

• No se recomienda el uso en gatos, cobayas, conejos y otros animales pequeños.

• No se recomienda el uso en mascotas con piel sensible, irritada o dañada.

• Asegúrarse de que la mascota tenga un temperamento agradable y sea tolerante con el aseo y el baño para evitar posibles riesgos.

• No permitir que la mascota lama el producto.

• No permitir que el producto toque la piel durante la aplicación.

• Aplicar la crema isoladora de Opawz para evitar los colores en areas no deseadas, especialmente alrededor de las orejas y las áreas de la cola.

• Evitar el contacto con los ojos y la boca. Si sucede, enjuagar con una gran cantidad de agua durante 15 minutos.

• Si ocurre alguna reacción alérgica durante el teñido, suspender el proceso inmediatamente y consulte a un veterinario. Hacer una prueba de alergia en la piel 48 horas antes de la aplicación.

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